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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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|_| \_\_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|_.__(_)____\___/|_| |_| |_|

 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 Triplett_1632_1.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_10.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_11.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_12.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_13.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_14.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_15.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_16.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_17.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_18.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_19.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_2.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_20.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_21.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_22.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_3.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_4.jpg  09/02/2022  2MBs   
 Triplett_1632_5.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_6.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_7.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_8.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 Triplett_1632_9.jpg  09/02/2022  3MBs   
 readme.txt  03/04/2024  1KBs  ReadMe  
i bought this nice Triplett RF Signal Generator of eBay for about £16 +P&P,
as you can see from the pictures below, it's looks to be in ok shape for it's age,
it has had some modifications done to it, the transformer has been replaced with a 240 volt transformer,
from the original that would of been a 120 volt transformer, for use in the U.S,
the replaced transformer only has a 6.3 and a 300 volt center taps, (no 5 volt center tap for the 80 rectifier tube),
who ever changed the transformer just used two diodes to replace the 80 rectifier tube,
so i'll just leave it as is, it looks like some other components have been changed, but most look original,
it's just a matter of going through everything before i even think of trying to power it up.

All Done

Manual for the Triplett Model 1632 Signal Generator - (
