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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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|_| \_\_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|_.__(_)____\___/|_| |_| |_|

 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 ROMs  14/09/2024  -  ROM Dumps 
 bbc_b_1.jpg  09/02/2022  866.8KBs   
 bbc_b_2.jpg  09/02/2022  867.6KBs   
 bbc_b_3.jpg  09/02/2022  867.7KBs   
 readme.txt  03/04/2024  989Bs  ReadMe 
This was the first computer i started out with, this is my second BBC B,
the one i used when i was young (that my dad got from where he worked) has seen better days,
plus i'm not even sure if it still works anymore.
This second BBC B i got from a classified add for just £10 for the lot (2006),
the guy i bought it off was going to take it to the tip if he couldn't sell it,
this one came with a lot more stuff than what i had,
like a Universal Teletext Adaptor (for reading Teletext on the BBC B),
a Video Digitiser (to capture images from a video source),
Magic Modem, CommSoft (Terminal Emulator on a EPROM),
Inter-Word (a Word Processor on a EPROM) and Watford Electronics DFS (a update for the BBC B's Disk Filing System, on a EPROM).
The small black box is a Morse Code Transceiver,
this use to belong to my dad, but i can't seem to find the disk that came with it,
so i haven't been able to test it out to see if it works or not.
