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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 a1200_1.jpg  09/02/2022  77.6KBs   
 a1200_2.jpg  09/02/2022  77.5KBs   
 a1200_3.jpg  09/02/2022  75.3KBs   
 readme.txt  03/04/2024  614Bs  ReadMe 
I have had this for about 11 or 12 years (1995-96) and i think it's one of the best compact computers of it's time,
when i bought it second hand,
it only had the standard stuff inside like no hard drive and only 2MBs of ram,
but i put in a hard drive,
in the form of a 64MB Compact Flash card (witch makes a good small 'n' fast HD).
I installed Workbench 3.0 on the HD,
witch is the Amiga's OS, i also have a external floppy drive,
i don't use my Amiga 1200 that much now because i mainly use my PC,
but the Amiga 1200 is still a really cool computer even today.
