I have had this for about 8 or 9 years now (1998-99) and i would really like to see it working, it powers up and shows the ICL Copyright 1986 and the Diagnostic Program works (which is enabled by a Switch on the back of the Terminal), as far as i know that if it's connected up to a Mainframe/Computer or something like that, then all it should do is Dump data (on request) to the Terminal from the Mainframe/Computer that it's connected to. I have had a look on the internet for this Terminal but can't seem to find anything, but i did find out about some of the Chips in the Terminal, it looks like the "LINE INPUT" is TTL and the "COMMS A" port looks like it's a Serial Port, i think this Terminal use to be used on a UNIX based Mainframe/Computer. I use Linux (which is based on UNIX) on my PC and would really love it if i could use this Terminal on my Linux PC, so if anyone can help me out with this then that would be really cool. (IMG:icldrs1.jpg)(IMG:icldrs2.jpg)(IMG:icldrs3.jpg) Thanks to Pete for the help he gave me regarding this terminal, now i know what all the ports are for and now i know that all i need is a MicroLan 2 Card to get it working, the not so good bit is that a MicroLan 2 Card might be hard to find, but i'm sure one will turn up on eBay one day. Update. (IMG:drsman1.jpg)(IMG:drsman2.jpg)(IMG:drsman3.jpg)(IMG:drsman4.jpg)(IMG:drsman5.jpg)(IMG:drsman6.jpg) this has been swapped for the ELF Terminal