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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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|_| \_\_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|_.__(_)____\___/|_| |_| |_|

 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 nino1.jpg  09/02/2022  71KBs   
 nino2.jpg  09/02/2022  78.6KBs   
 nino3.jpg  09/02/2022  78KBs   
 readme.txt  03/04/2024  603Bs  ReadMe 
I've had this for about 5 or 6 years now (2001-02), i bought it of some guy for £30,
from an Adtrader ad, it might be old but it still comes in handy,
i some times use it to jot down notes (using the cool handwriting recognition),
also i use the calendar to keep track of birthdays and stuff like that,
and play Solitaire when i'm bored.

it runs Windows CE v2, 4MBs of ram (of which is shared between the OS and the storage memory),
so you can see that i can't really install a lot of programs on it, but having said that,
what it dose have is real handy.
