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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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| |_) | |/ __| '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` / __| |_| | | | | '_ \| |   / _ \| '_ ` _ \ 
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|_| \_\_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|_.__(_)____\___/|_| |_| |_|

 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 hp_310_1.jpg  09/02/2022  1.7MBs   
 hp_310_2.jpg  09/02/2022  1.7MBs   
 hp_310_3.jpg  09/02/2022  1.8MBs   
 mac_165c_1.jpg  09/02/2022  1.7MBs   
 mac_165c_2.jpg  09/02/2022  1.7MBs   
 mac_165c_3.jpg  09/02/2022  1.7MBs   
 mac_165c_4.jpg  09/02/2022  2.3MBs   
 readme.txt  03/04/2024  484Bs  ReadMe 

File: readme.txt - >Download<
i bought this MAC laptop for £30 around 2000,
it also came with a HP Desk Writer 310 inkjet printer,
that should still work, (if i can find a new ink cartridge for it),
the Mac still works ok (as you can see from the picturs),
the battery however, was totally dead when i got it, but for it's age,
it's still all in good shape.

HP Desk Writer 310
