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 1850r_1.jpg  09/02/2022  794.9KBs   
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 readme.txt  03/04/2024  1.5KBs  ReadMe 

File: readme.txt - >Download<
i bought this of eBay (11/01/2011) for £25 inc P&P

2x Pentium 3/512 L2/500MHz
1Gig of ECC RAM
4x 18.2Gig 10k RPM 160MB/s SCSI Hard Drives
12/24 Gig Tape Drive
Smart Array 221 RAID Card (now upgraded to a Smart Array 3200 RAID Card, 64MB of read/write cache)
Remote Insight Lights-Out board
2x 10/100Mb Dual network cards

more specs - (

i did have 1 or 2 problems with installing a Linux OS (but not with Windows 2000 and XP)

when i tried to install OpenSuse 11.3 it would freeze,
after a bit of web searching i found that by adding some switches to the GRUB boot options,
(nousb nousbstorage apm=off noapic noht nomce skipddc) then the install went fine

the other problem was that OpenSuSE would freeze when the Cap-Lock or Num-Lock key was pressed,
also would not reboot,
but again after some web searching i found out how to access the Advance Options in the BIOS (System Configuration Utility),
by pressing CTRL+A and to change the APIC mode to Full Map,
that seemed to fix the rebooting problem,
when i was in the Advanced Options i found a option named Hot Plug Keyboard,
that was Enabled, i Disabled that and that seem to fix the keyboard problem,
it still wont fully power down when halted, but that's no big deal.

all in all a good buy i think.
