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 ____  _      _                   _     _   _       _      ____                
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 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 brcm001122334455.xml  30/08/2024  5.8KBs   
 readme.txt  30/08/2024  1.8KBs  ReadMe 
 vdv21_cmds.txt  15/09/2024  62.6KBs   
 vdv21_xml.txt  30/08/2024  40.5KBs   

File: vdv21_cmds.txt - >Download<
!               ?               REM             cd              dir             
find_command    help            history         instances       ls              
man             pwd             sleep           syntax          system_time     
emta_console    exit            mbufShow        memShow         mutex_debug     
ping            read_memory     reset           routeShow       run_app         
shell           stackShow       taskDelete      taskInfo        taskPrioritySet 
taskResume      taskShow        taskSuspend     taskTrace       version         
write_memory    zone                                                            
[Console] [HeapManager] [V-Support] [cablemedea] [embedded_target] [emta]       
[flash] [forwarder] [ip_hal] [msgLog] [network_interface] [non-vol]             
[pingHelper] [snoop]

Command Table:  Built-in Commands (built-in)                                    
System-wide, built-in commands that are handled by the Console Thread.  These   
commands are always available, regardless of which command table is active.     
Available Commands:                                                             
!               ?               REM             cd              dir             
find_command    help            history         instances       ls              
man             pwd             sleep           syntax          system_time     

Command Table:  Stand-Alone PS Commands (sPS)                                   
Stand-Alone PS Commands                                                         
Available Commands:                                                             
emta_console    exit            mbufShow        memShow         mutex_debug     
ping            read_memory     reset           routeShow       run_app         
shell           stackShow       taskDelete      taskInfo        taskPrioritySet 
taskResume      taskShow        taskSuspend     taskTrace       version         
write_memory    zone                                                            
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
[Console] [HeapManager] [V-Support] [cablemedea] [embedded_target] [emta]       
[flash] [forwarder] [ip_hal] [msgLog] [network_interface] [non-vol]             
[pingHelper] [snoop]


Command Table:  Telnet/SSH Interactive Session Commands (Console)               
Telnet/SSH Interactive Session Commands                                         
Available Commands:                                                             
exit            reset           set             show                            
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
[pingHelper] [system]

Command Table:  Ping Commands (pingHelper)                                      
Ping Helper Thread settings and commands.  These commands allow you to set the  
ping utility up with precise control over packet sizes, timeout values, etc.    
Available Commands:                                                             
all_sizes       end_size        hs_nowait       hs_wait         ip_address      
ip_stack        ip_sweep        number_of_pings ping                            
restore_defaults                show_settings   start_size      stats           
step_amount     stop            time_between_pings              verbosity       
verify_enable   wait_enable     wait_time                                       
Command Table:  System Command Table (system)                                   
System commands                                                                 
Available Commands:                                                             
Command Table:  HeapManager Commands (HeapManager)                              
Broadcom Heap Manager (malloc/free) settings and commands.                      
Available Commands:                                                             
bcheck          bcheck_crash    bcheck_enable   last_error      maxAlloc        
memShow         stats           threadUsage     trace           walk            
Command Table:  V-Support Commands (V-Support)                                  
V-Support is a Vonage Voip self help diagnostic and support tool.               
Available Commands:                                                             
dns_lookup_by_local_server      dns_lookup_by_voip_server                       
get_gr909_test_results          get_last_10call_stats                           
get_wan_link_status             packet_jitter_test                              
ping_default_gateway            ping_external_host                              
ping_local_dns_server           ping_loopback   ping_voip_dns_server            
Command Table:  CableMedea Commands (cablemedea)                                
CableMedea Command Table                                                        
Available Commands:                                                             
arp_show        arppacket_show  capt_show       fwr_show        nat_show        
ppp_session_table               reload_lan_config               traceroute      
usfs_show       wandata_show                                                    
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
[bwest] [dhcps] [dns] [pppoe] [rip] [route] [sip] [upnp]
Command Table:  Bandwidth Estimation Commands (bwest)                           
Bandwidth Estimation Command Table                                              
Available Commands:                                                             
show            start           stop                                            
Command Table:  Dhcps Commands (dhcps)                                          
Dhcps Command Table                                                             
Available Commands:                                                             
add_lease       enable          remove_lease    show                            
Command Table:  Dns Commands (dns)                                              
Dns Command Table                                                               
Available Commands:                                                             
dns_debug       dns_show        gethostbyaddr   gethostbyname                   
Command Table:  Pppoe Commands (pppoe)                                          
Pppoe Command Table                                                             
Available Commands:                                                             
Command Table:  Rip Commands (rip)                                              
Rip Command Table                                                               
Available Commands:                                                             
Command Table:  Route Commands (route)                                          
Route Command Table                                                             
Available Commands:                                                             
reload_route_service            route_show                                      
Command Table:  Sip Commands (sip)                                              
Sip Command Table                                                               
Available Commands:                                                             
bye             calls           cancel          clients         invite          
Command Table:  Upnp Commands (upnp)                                            
Upnp Command Table                                                              
Available Commands:                                                             
control_if      device_discovery                discovery_show  enable          
notify_show     show                                                            
Command Table:  Embedded Target Commands (embedded_target)                      
Commands to control the embedded target platform.                               
Available Commands:                                                             
bcmalloc_show   bcmalloc_walk   cache_test      cp0_read        cp0_write       
dcache          icache          sdram_test      test_bcmalloc                   
Command Table:  Embedded MTA Commands (emta)                                    
Commands for the Embedded MTA                                                   
Available Commands:                                                             
acquire_lease   addFirewallRule announcementDload               anti_spoof      
dataAccessorGet dataAccessorSet deleteFirewallRule              dhcp_init       
dload           emta_console    firewallEnable  initState       ip_get          
ip_initialize   lineState       log             logTimestampFlag                
mtaInfoGet      new_line        option_get      printCert       release_lease   
renew_lease     reset           run_app         server_get      setCountry      
showAnnounce    showFirewallState               showTelrootCert snmpOperMode    
snmpV2ComNamRO  snmpV2ComNamRW  suboption_get   test_v3                         
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
Command Table:  Embedded MTA Endpoint Commands (endpt)                          
Commands for the Embedded MTA                                                   
Available Commands:                                                             
apmSts          checkAssert     configNetwTest  dlbConfig       dlbEnable       
dlbStatic       dlbStats        fAssert         faxrStats       getBuff         
getCaps         getCnt          getRegs         hapInetCfgSet   icpCalibrate    
icpStart        icpStop         ipcStats        pwr             readHookState   
readMem         readSlicMem     ring            rxGain          stackShow       
tpd             tr57Enable      txGain          vhdInfo         vhdJBRegs       
vhdLoopback     vhdStats        writeSlicMem                                    
Command Table:  Flash Driver Commands (flash)                                   
Commands to control the flash device driver.                                    
Available Commands:                                                             
autoTest        cfi_show        close           configRegion    deinit          
erase           init            open            read            readDirect      
show            write           writeArray                                      
Command Table:  Forwarder Commands (forwarder)                                  
Commands to show/change the Forwarder state.                                    
Available Commands:                                                             
filter_logging_enable           filter_logging_show             halif_show      
ip_filter_logging               log_packets     lt_add          lt_clear        
lt_delete       lt_max_entries  lt_show         mac_filter_logging              
port_filter_logging             proto_filter_logging            show            
Command Table:  IP Stack HAL Commands (ip_hal)                                  
Commands to manage IP stacks and related tasks.                                 
Available Commands:                                                             
bootloader      clientif_debug  dhcpc_debug     dhcpc_show      dload           
hal_show        ip_addr_show    ipconfig        kill_remote_dhcp_server         
lease_show      show            test                                            
Command Table:  Message Log Settings Commands (msgLog)                          
Commands for changing Message Log Settings.  These commands allow you enable    
and disable display fields and severity levels for individual objects or for    
groups of objects.                                                              
Available Commands:                                                             
fields          severities      show_settings                                   
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
Command Table:  Remote Access Server Commands (remoteAccess)                    
Remote Access (Telnet/HTTP/SSH/etc) settings and commands.  These commands allow
you to configure the Telnet, SSH or other supported servers.                    
Available Commands:                                                             
read_default_settings           restart_server  start_server    stop_server     
Command Table:  Network Interface Commands (network_interface)                  
Commands to show/change the Network Interface state.                            
Available Commands:                                                             
show            transmit                                                        
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
Command Table:  Ethernet Network Interface Commands (ethernet)                  
Commands to show/change the Ethernet Network Interface state.                   
Available Commands:                                                             
read_mii        write_mii                                                       
Command Table:  Non-Volatile Settings Commands (non-vol)                        
Commands to change the non-volatile settings for the application.               
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  flush           manufactured    
read            show            stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      
Available sub-command tables:                                                   
[LcdDisplay] [bfcApp] [cap] [cdp] [csp] [echoClient] [emtaCallOpt]              
[emtaConfig] [emtaCustomer] [emtaIvr] [emtaLineHw] [emtaProv] [emtaSecurity]    
[emtaSip] [emtaSipOpts] [firewall] [halif] [parental] [ppp] [psdev] [qos]       
[rg] [sip] [telemetry] [userif] [von_qos]
Command Table:  Lcd Display NonVol Commands (LcdDisplay)                        
Commands to show/change the EMTA LCD Display NonVol Settings->                  
Available Commands:                                                             
NormalBrightness                VmBrightness    blinkLed        clear_device    
debugPrintf     defaultMsgPeriod                defaults        del_extra_data  
eraseCallLogList                eraseLcdMessages                errorMsg        
flashLed        {flush}         homeWiringWizardOption          infoMsg         
line1EngDefaultMsg              line1EspDefaultMsg                              
line1FreDefaultMsg              line2EngDefaultMsg                              
line2EspDefaultMsg              line2FreDefaultMsg                              
lineEngDefaultMsg               lineEspDefaultMsg                               
lineFreDefaultMsg               listErrorMsg    listLcdMessages manufactured    
menuLang        printBoardType  read            readChipSelect1 runLcdTest      
scrollTime      setAllLedsOff   setAllLedsOn    setContrast     setLedOff       
setLedOn        show            stats     DisplayDateTime:profileDownloadStarte-
      tftp_read       tftp_write                                                
write           writeChipSelect1
Command Table:  BFC Application Settings Commands (bfcApp)                      
Commands to change the non-volatile settings for the BFC Application.           
Available Commands:                                                             
auto_console    clear_device    console_stop_prompt             defaults        
del_extra_data  driver_init_prompt              {flush}         manufactured    
read            show            stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      
Command Table:  Cap NonVol Commands (cap)                                       
Commands to show/change the Cap NonVol settings.                                
Available Commands:                                                             
add_cap_mapping add_passthrough clear_device    defaults        del_cap_mapping 
del_extra_data  del_passthrough {flush}         manufactured    primary_mode    
provisioning_mode               read            show            stats           
tcp_timeout     tftp_read       tftp_write      udp_timeout                     
wanipconnection_enable          write                                           
Command Table:  Cdp NonVol Commands (cdp)                                       
Commands to show/change the Cdp NonVol settings.                                
Available Commands:                                                             
add_lan_addr    add_wan_data    add_wan_server  cds_settings    clear_device    
defaults        del_extra_data  del_lan_addr    del_wan_data    del_wan_server  
{flush}         lan_trans_action                lan_trans_threshold             
manufactured    read            show            stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      wan_ip_addr_cnt write                                           
Command Table:  Csp NonVol Commands (csp)                                       
Commands to show/change the Csp NonVol settings.                                
Available Commands:                                                             
alert_period    alert_threshold clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  
dload           event_type1_enable              event_type2_enable              
event_type3_enable              {flush}         manufactured    policy_enable   
read            show            stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      
Command Table:  Echo Client Commands (echoClient)                               
Commands to provision parameters used in Echo tests.                            
Available Commands:                                                             
auth_algorithm  auth_key_serial auth_shared_key clear_device                    
default_udp_port                defaults        del_extra_data                  
downstream_jitter_threshold     echo_privacy    echo_server_URL1                
echo_server_URL2                echo_server_URL3                {flush}         
manufactured    packet_loss_threshold           read                            
round_trip_delay_threshold      show            stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      upstream_jitter_threshold       write                           
Command Table:  EMTA Call Option NonVol Commands (emtaCallOpt)                  
Commands to show/change the EMTA Call Option NonVol Settings.                   
Available Commands:                                                             
anon_call_block call_waiting    clear_device    cng             defaults        
del_extra_data  emergency_call_transfer         emergency_call_waiting          
emergency_caller_id             emergency_conf  emergency_digits                
emergency_local_hangup          feature_control feature_key                     
feature_key_remove              {flush}         hold_reminder_enable            
jitter_buffer_max               jitter_buffer_min                               
jitter_buffer_nom               jitter_fixed_enable                             
join_call_digits                manufactured    msg_waiting     prefixes_table  
read            rtcp_interval   rtcp_xr         second_dial_tone                
send_caller_id  show            stats           suffixes_table  tftp_read       
tftp_write      tone_config     write                                           
Command Table:  EMTA Config NonVol Commands (emtaConfig)                        
Commands to show/change the EMTA Config NonVol Settings.                        
Available Commands:                                                             
call_signalling_config          clear_device    dc_offset_ring_enable           
defaults        del_extra_data  dhcp_enable     dhcp_option     dhcp_settings   
dial_tone_pass_thru_enable      dload_inhibit   dns_naptr_enable                
dns_negative_cache_max_TTL      dns_srv_enable  emta_dns        emta_dns_perm   
firewall_disable                {flush}         hv_ring_enable  ip_stack        
load_balancing_enable           manufactured    max_cpe_includes_emta           
msg_log_fields  option122       phs_enable      read            rtp_port        
severities      show            standalone      stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      ver_in_http_ua  write                                           
Command Table:  EMTA Customer NonVol Commands (emtaCustomer)                    
Commands to show/change customer specific NonVol Settings.                      
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    config_status   defaults        del_extra_data  delayed_reset   
fax_keys        {flush}         manufactured    perm_prov_server_addr           
perm_prov_server_type           prov_download_method                            
prov_download_port              prov_good_port  prov_server_addr                
prov_server_type                read            resynch_interval                
show            sip_notify      stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      
voice_status    write                                                           
Command Table:  EMTA IVR NonVol Commands (emtaIvr)                              
Commands to show/change the EMTA IVR NonVol Settings.                           
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  erase           {flush}         
inter_delay_time                ivr_language    manufactured    read            
repetitions     show            sip_uri         stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      write                                                           
Command Table:  EMTA Line Hardware NonVol Commands (emtaLineHw)                 
Commands to show/change the EMTA SIP Hardware NonVol Settings.                  
Available Commands:                                                             
auto_retest_interval            auto_testing    batt_rev_before_local_ringing   
batt_rev_on_local_connect       batt_rev_on_remote_connect      clear_device    
cpc_delay       cpc_signal_duration             cpc_signal_mode                 
cpc_wait_duration               defaults        del_extra_data  {flush}         
manufactured    max_hook_flash_time             min_hook_flash_time             
off_hook_current                on_hook_status  on_hook_voltage                 
peak_ring_voltage               read            ringing_dc_offset               
ringing_freq    ringing_waveform                show            slic_pol_pos    
stats           tbr             test_begin      test_foreign_emf                
test_hazardous_pot              test_resistive_faults           test_ringers    
test_rxr_off_hook               test_tod        tftp_read       tftp_write      
tone_timeout    write                                                           
Command Table:  EMTA Provisioning NonVol Commands (emtaProv)                    
Commands to show/change the EMTA Provisioning NonVol Settings.                  
Available Commands:                                                             
auto_enable     checksum        clear_device    config_max_retry                
config_min_retry                config_retry_period             defaults        
del_extra_data  factory_defaults                filename        {flush}         
fw_auto_change  fw_filename     fw_retry        hash_dir        key             
manufactured    perm_filename   perm_fw_filename                perm_hash_dir   
perm_hw_version perm_key        perm_server_addr                                
perm_server_type                prov_time       read            server_addr     
server_loc      server_type     show            stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      username        userpassword    version         write           
Command Table:  EMTA Security NonVol Commands (emtaSecurity)                    
Commands to show/change the EMTA Security NonVol Settings.                      
Available Commands:                                                             
alternate_telephony_root_cert   clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  
device_cert     {flush}         manufactured    read            show            
stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      write                           
Command Table:  EMTA SIP NonVol Commands (emtaSip)                              
Commands to show/change the EMTA SIP NonVol Settings.                           
Available Commands:                                                             
adaptive_codec  adaptive_period adaptive_wait_time              auth_name       
clear_device    cpc_timer       crit_pdr_threshold              defaults        
del_extra_data  dhcp_release    dhcp_renew      dial_plan       digit_timer     
digit_timer_flash               digit_timer_partial             dtmf_mime_type  
dtmf_relay_payload_type         dtmf_relay_power                                
dtmf_relay_state	echocan_enable  emergency_call_codec            
enable_service  eurocall_enable fax_packet_period               feature_str     
{flush}         hook_flash_state                hookflash_mime_type             
ipdial_enable   line_enable     local_port      manufactured                    
nat_keepalive_dest              nat_keepalive_interval                          
nat_keepalive_message           natwan_address  natwan_port     num_ports       
outbound_proxyaddr              outbound_proxyport              packet_period   
power_source    prov_debug      proxy_address   proxy_port      read            
reg_addr_rec    reg_address     reg_port        remote_disconnect_timer         
restart_sip     resync_via_notify               rtp_tos         rx_gain         
service_url     show            sig_tos         sip_accept_language             
sip_debug       sip_server_name sip_ua_header   sip_ua_name     stats           
stun_address    stun_port       tftp_read       tftp_write      timer_min_sess  
timer_reg       timer_reg_retry timer_sess      transport       tx_gain         
user_id         user_name       user_pw         vad_mode        vbd_enable      
voice_encoder   voice_encoder_list              warn_pdr_threshold              
Command Table:  EMTA SIP Options NonVol Commands (emtaSipOpts)                  
Commands to show/change the EMTA SIP Hardware NonVol Settings.                  
Available Commands:                                                             
auto_recovery   auto_recovery_fast_reboots      auto_recovery_status            
auto_recovery_timeout           call_hold_type  clear_device    defaults        
del_extra_data  dial_tone_on_svc                {flush}                         
good_source_sip_proxy           manufactured    msg_stutter                     
p_asserted_identity             read            repeat_dial_duration            
repeat_dial_interval            resubscribe_interval            show            
sips_uri_scheme stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      timer           
tls_addr        tls_cache_enable                tls_client_auth tls_encryption  
tls_fallback_enable             tls_keep_alive  tls_port                        
tls_recover_timeout             tls_server_auth vmwi_signaling  write           
Command Table:  Firewall NonVol Commands (firewall)                             
Commands to show/change the Firewall NonVol settings.                           
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  domain_add      domain_policy   
domain_remove   features        filter_end_day  filter_end_time filter_policy   
filter_start_day                filter_start_time               {flush}         
keyword_add     keyword_remove  manufactured    read            show            
stats           syslog_port     syslog_protocol syslog_server   tftp_read       
tftp_write      write                                                           
Command Table:  HalIf NonVol Commands (halif)                                   
Commands to show/change the HalIf NonVol settings.                              
Available Commands:                                                             
bcmalloc        bcmalloc_numSizes               board_rev       clear_device    
defaults        del_extra_data  eth_reject_cam  {flush}         interfaces      
lan_eth_autoneg lan_eth_duplex  lan_eth_enable  lan_eth_speed   mac_address     
manufactured    power_save_enable               read            show            
stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      wan_eth_autoneg wan_eth_duplex  
wan_eth_speed   wdog_enable     wdog_timeout    write           zone            
Command Table:  ParentalCtrl NonVol Commands (parental)                         
Commands to show/change the Parental Ctrl NonVol settings.                      
Available Commands:                                                             
category_add    category_remove clear_device    content_policies                
createCustomer  createLicense   defaults        del_extra_data  domain_add      
domain_remove   {flush}         inactivateLicense               manufactured    
reactivateLicense               read            sessions        show            
stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      unsubscribe     user_profiles   
Command Table:  PPP NonVol Commands (ppp)                                       
Commands to show/change the PPP NonVol Settings.                                
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  {flush}                         
l2tp_preshared_phrase           manufactured    mppe_enable                     
ppp_address_range               ppp_debug       ppp_server_subnet               
ppp_server_users                read            show            stats           
tftp_read       tftp_write      write                                           
Command Table:  PsDev NonVol Commands (psdev)                                   
Commands to show/change the PsDev NonVol settings.                              
Available Commands:                                                             
agg_wireless_admin_status       cablehome_mode  cablehome_upnp                  
cableoffice_mode                clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  
dloadTLSKey     {flush}         manufactured    prov_key_timeout                
prov_timer      read            show            stats           tftp_read       
tftp_write      write                                                           
Command Table:  QoS NonVol Commands (qos)                                       
Commands to show/change the Rate Shaping Quality of Service NonVol Settings.    
Available Commands:                                                             
bwEstTimer      bw_scaling_factor               clear_counts    clear_device    
clear_log       defaults        del_extra_data  dss_enable      dss_idle_enable 
dydss_current_bw                dydss_equil_diff                                
dydss_expo_rampdown             dydss_frac_discard_threshold                    
dydss_frac_loss_threshold       dydss_high_queue_util_rampdown  dydss_init_bw   
dydss_listen_mos_threshold      dydss_max_bw    dydss_max_enable                
dydss_min_bw    dydss_num_voice_stream_entries  dydss_prev_call_max_bw          
dydss_rampdown_timer            dydss_rampup_bw_adder                           
dydss_rampup_timer              dydss_voice_stream_entry_timeout                
{flush}         log             manufactured    mgr_lan_streams mgr_log_size    
priority_bw     priority_queue_size             priority_queue_threshold        
qos_rule_show   qos_rule_test   read            show            stats           
tftp_read       tftp_write      traffic_classifier_enable                       
traffic_shaper_auto             traffic_shaper_enable           update_map      
Command Table:  Residential Gateway NonVol Commands (rg)                        
Commands to show/change the Residential Gateway NonVol settings.                
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  {flush}                         
lan_feature_config              manufactured    max_mtu_size    nat_show        
password        primary_default_override        read            realm           
rg_enable       set_feature_enable              show            stats           
tftp_read       tftp_write      wan_connection_type                             
wan_feature_config              write                                           
Command Table:  SIP NonVol Commands (sip)                                       
Commands to show/change the SIP NonVol Settings.                                
Available Commands:                                                             
add_client      add_proxy       clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  
{flush}         manufactured    read            remove_client   remove_proxy    
show            stats           tftp_read       tftp_write      write           
Command Table:  Telemetry Commands (telemetry)                                  
Commands for telemetry.                                                         
Available Commands:                                                             
backoff_interval                clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  
enable_encrypt  enable_env      enable_event    enable_user     env_timeout     
event_agg_timeout               event_queue_timeout                             
failover_interval               {flush}         hb_timeout      hb_wait         
manufactured    max_percent     packet_cleanup_timeout                          
packet_queue_size               read            resubmit_interval               
server_port     show            show_list       stats           tele_server1    
tele_server2    telemetry       test_env_or_user                test_hb        3
DHCPc:  No valid offers to select; need to send discover again.                 
tftp_read       tftp_write      user_timeout    write                           
Command Table:  User Interface NonVol Commands (userif)                         
Commands to show/change the Message Log NonVol settings.                        
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  dhcp_settings   fields          
{flush}         http_acl_host_add               http_acl_host_remove            
http_acl_hosts_clear            http_admin      http_adv_ipstacks               
http_enable     http_ipstacks   http_password_idle_timeout                      
http_password_seed              http_socket_show                                
http_tech_support               http_user       inactivity_timeout              
ip_stack_number manufactured    password        perm_admin_password             
read            remote_access_port              severities      show            
ssh_enable      ssh_ipstacks    stats           telnet_enable   telnet_ipstacks 
tftp_read       tftp_write      user_name       web_access_admin                
web_access_tech web_access_user write                                           
Command Table:  Vonage QoS NonVol Commands (von_qos)                            
Commands to show/change the port list and port priority for applications http/mn
Available Commands:                                                             
clear_device    defaults        del_extra_data  {flush}         manufactured    
port_list       port_priority   read            show            stats           
tftp_read       tftp_write      write                                           
Command Table:  Ping Commands (pingHelper)                                      
Ping Helper Thread settings and commands.  These commands allow you to set the  
ping utility up with precise control over packet sizes, timeout values, etc.    
Available Commands:                                                             
all_sizes       end_size        hs_nowait       hs_wait         ip_address      
ip_stack        ip_sweep        number_of_pings ping                            
restore_defaults                show_settings   start_size      stats           
step_amount     stop            time_between_pings              verbosity       
verify_enable   wait_enable     wait_time                                       
Command Table:  Snoop Commands (snoop)                                          
Commands to show/change the state of Snoop objects.                             
Available Commands:                                                             
debug           enable          priority        show                            
